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SEPULCROS PROD is independent, underground label founded in 2014, but its origin is hiddenin deep past. Yet in 90's in Bydgoszcz, Poland was born zine called SEPULCROSS'ZINE. 

Zine died with its natural death (coz of some problems and lack of time), but now we're here with international squad and new energy to spread blasphemy, brutality, aggresssion,... around!!! Our label is dedicated first of all to bands from Latin America and other so called exotic countries (in practice whole Asia and Africa). Countries which have great METAL bands, but aren't so popular on the scene. Our mission is to spread a word (and if it'll be only possible releases) of such bands and give them possibility to be more known for MANIAX worldwide.

Bands, distros, labels,... are welcome as hell to contact us!!! Let's cooperate with each other in the name of METAL!!! Of course we invite all  "normal" METALHEADS to cooperation, too!!! You can and are more then welcome to add Your opinions/reviews  of our releases , send gogs' reports (the best with pics) and so on. We METALHEADS all are sisters and brothers and we need to be united!!!!!!!!!!!!!




         METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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